Sunday, December 23, 2007

It's a sad day...

Okay, I was thinking about going in my newly somewhat cleaned up scrapbook room (at least my table has been freshly cleared off and cleaned, go Me!) and was looking for some inspiration to get my butt in my room. I realized I hadn't checked out Kristina Contes blog in a long time. I just love her funky style. This girl rocks! Well, to my diappointment, her blog has been made private. I can't really say I'm shocked. I can't begin to imagine what she has been going through and the comments that have been made about her. So, off I go to check the DARE website in serach of some KC layouts. The first layout of hers I found has broken my heart.

Hey KC, stay strong and stay tough. There's a world out there who loves you and those who don't are just jealous. Try not to let them get you down, sweetie. And please, keep rockin' those layouts.

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