Thursday, June 19, 2008

Journey - Arnel Pineda

Okay, so John told me the other day that he saw Journey on Ellen and the new lead singer sounds incredibly like Steve Perry. I really didn't think very much of it. Then, a couple days later I got an email from my BFF in AR saying that she actually saw Journey in concert and sent me a youtube link to check 'em out. I guess I wasn't all that interested because I never took the time and actually forgot about it. Then, tonight as we're going out for supper John grabs this Journey Revelation CD and puts it in. We listened to it on the way to supper, then as we're on our way back home John asks if I noticed anything about what we're listening to. He tells me we've been listening to the new singer. Now he's got my attention. I thought he was joking, so I looked at the CD case and low and behold... not only does this singer sound incredibly like Perry, but he's Filipino... and kind of hot. I just wouldn't expect to hear that voice coming out of his body. John's watching the DVD right now and I hear it in the background. Man, it amazing how a song can bring you back to a different time and place. Right now I'm back to high school having a blast with my friends. Driving around singing at the top of our lungs with the radio as loud as it can go. Most people I talk to hated high school, but I loved it. I can tell I'll be listening to some Van Halen, Scorpions, Triumph, Rush, etc.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Procrastination Over

I started this layout on NSD weekend at my LSS. Over 1 month later and I finally finished the layout. (I told you I'm a very slow scrapper and rarely bring a layout to completion). I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. Especially since I'm going to be able to put pictures from 6 years ago in an album. Gotta love that. That makes 3 layouts completed so far in June, and today is only the 7th. Gotta love that, too! Let's see if I can get a 4th done tonight...

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

I'm 2 for 2 - Got Sketch 101

Wow, I'm actually being productive with this class. I'm 2 for 2 of posted pre-class sketches. Hot Dog! Hopefully the up-coming sketches keep getting better and better.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Got some scrapping done...

Yeah me! I got some scrapping done this weekend. It took me 5 hours Saturday night/Sunday morning to do this layout... AND it was FROM A SKETCH. (I swear it takes me just as long, if not longer, to scrap using a sketch). I've got to be the slowest scrapper on Earth. The sketch was from Valerie and Janna's Got Sketch class I'm taking on-line. Gotta love sketches. Class doesn't officially start until next week, but Valerie hooked us up with a couple of pre-class sketches to get us going. I'm going to work on completing the 2nd pre-class sketch tonight and take pics tomorrow. 2 layouts (almost) in 1 weekend. It's been too long. I miss scrapping. I've GOT to make more time to scrap. I guess I should have more time now that all my shows have finished. Pretty much the only thing I'm watching at the moment is "So You Think You Can Dance". I started watching it last season and I love it, especially Mia and Wade Robson's choreography.